From Christmas to the first of this year, we were in New Mexico with our daughter and grandchildren. We did drive to Phoenix as a family to watch our grandson play hockey as a New Mexico Peewee state teammate. While there, we did some shopping in Scottsdale and went to a Coyote's game to see professional hockey. The Peewees are very good in comparison to the pros. They skate fast and have begun to learn teamwork. It was plenty of fun to see.
Driving home, we did a leisurely, two day trip. The first day was pretty slow since we shopped in the trading and Nambe' stores of Pojoaque. We left New Mexico poorer in wallet, but richer in art.
Since we came back to Little Rock, we have been busy sorting and answering mail. I am almost caught up on the bills which arrived while we were out of town. I have also trimmed my phone messages down to just three for action. I suppose that I should be grateful that people want to talk to me. Alas, so many of them want to propose ways of transferring money from my bank account to theirs.
Little Kitty has been most solicitous since my return. In fact, he has tried to stay near me or on me since I rescued him from durance vile (the kennel). You can see from the picture that he is a handsome fellow. He also has long, soft fur. When I go to bed, he lies on the pillow with my head. When I sit, he bounces into my lap. He likes to drink from the faucet in the bathroom, but doesn't bother with the kitchen tap. Right now, he's purring in my lap, with his chin resting on my right arm as I type.
Our garden survived the brief spell of very cold weather quite well. One Indian blanket flower is still blooming. I thought that they were strictly summer flowers. Alas, our camelia blossoms were frost burned. This is the third year that they have been damaged before we got a chance to see them. The evergreens, like rosemary are still green, but most of the blooms are waiting for warmer weather to show.
In the hopes that you, gentle reader, had a delightful holiday season, please accept my best wishes for the new year.
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