I've been tagged. There seem to be some rules for this game.
1 link to the person who tagged you.
2 post the rules on your blog.
Done3 write six random things about yourself.
4 tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5 let each person know by leaving a message at their blog.
6 let your tagger know when your entry is up.
So far, so good. But I have absolutely no idea of how to establish a link. Alas, the "help" area seems to think that Everyone knows about these things and gives no comprehensible instructions about linking. BUT, I'm going to do what I can and hope that someone knowledgeable will take pity on me with regard to links.
Random facts about me:
1 My hair is quite gray and short.
2 My office is a mess which will require power equipment to clear.
3 I have a huge stack of books in my TBR (to be read) pile.
4 I hardly ever buy something because it's new. Usually I wait until the one I have stops working to look for a new one.
5 I like hockey and volleyball as a spectator. But I'm not what you call a fan.
6 The last cd I bought was a recording of Vivaldi's "Four Seasons".
Links: TBA... when I learn how to make them.