The doctors kept me in hospital for a week to make certain that there was no infection. It was a relatively pleasant week. For the most part, the pain killers kept me happy and sleepy. There wasn't any pain to speak of. The nursing staff at Baptist Health was the same who took care of me after the initial surgery. Each of them is professional, skilled, friendly and courteous. I enjoyed their company.
Fran came and sat with me every day while I was there. As soon as I was able to get out of bed without falling back in, I began walking. Dr. Kim assured me that walking was the best way I could help myself. While the epidural anaesthesia was in place, someone had to walk with me, mostly to make sure that if I fell, they could call for help. I was in the same room that I had when I was recovering from my first surgery and knew the sixth floor well. Alas, the drugs made concentration very hard. I could hardly read, much less write.
Now that I'm home, I'm on "light duty". I can lift nothing more than ten pounds. That puts Little Kitty off limits for a few weeks.

Our other cat, Shaquira is lighter so I can lift her into my lap for petting. She's affectionate. But prefers Fran to me. Her previous "servant" moved and could not take her along so she persuaded us to give the kitty a home. She's named after the dancer. If ever you saw her play with a mouse toy, You would agree that the name is earned.

It's Fran's birthday. Both kids came in to help celebrate. I'm going to stop here and edit more into this later.
It is a little later. We had a dinner (take out ribs from Shorty Small's) and they got to watch Fran repack my dressing. What fun. Right now, they're sitting around the table, catching up on family matters. I'm going to join them. It's late for me and I can't concentrate. The analgesic prescribed for me is making me slightly dizzy. Fun, huh?
very nice! hahahahaha
Dear Steve,
I'm glad you're home. So, when did Shakira become part of the mix? She's a lovely girl-- reminds me of my late, departed Rosie --sniff--.
Hope you are soon back to tip-top shape, ready to share more cat tales.
I still have the four but am actively looking for a home for Princess in the garage. She needs attention and since she can't be with the others, it's hard to give that to her. I had thought to find a cat sanctuary for the Marking Max but no one wants a marking cat of almost fifteen. I think I'm stuck with him. But then again, I'm crazy about this cat and I don't want him to go anywhere.
Casey and Lilly are fine, getting into trouble as ever.
Dear Lauri:
I'm just now getting back into the swing of things. We had some hurricane problems and a couple of cat things that took up all our time. I'm trying to catch up with the folks who are nice enough to read me and then comment.
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