and to fall on our garden.

Kids have started school. The temperature has been reasonable and the humidity low (for Arkansas). It's fall, folks. If where you life is anything like Little Rock, get out there now because our autumn usually lasts four days to two weeks. Maybe this year we'll get all four seasons for a change.
There are butterflies flitting around our pineapple sage and zinnnias.

and one, poor, confused wistaria bloomed last week. It's probably the ratio of day to night and the fact that things around here aren't used to having all four seasons. Maybe our crocus will begin to poke their noses out of the ground next.
You may notice that an enterprising bumble bee is buzzily visiting the blossoms.
We chopped the lorupetalum off our creek. It should have been a dwarf variety, but we planted the regular instead. The years we did not prune it back, it topped the roof. Alas, the blooms in spring were lovely. But we did want that space for some smaller flowers.
Sweating in the garden is a welcome break from politics, murder and football. Those are the only things on the minds of local news teams. Very sad. The fall flowers are beginning, but late summer bloomers aren't finished yet. Next month, I'm going to start planting pansies and violas.
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