Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Five things

My friend Sarah has been tagged again. I still haven't figured out how to tag people or to show their websites here. But I thought the latest tag was interesting. It went in fives, five things you like to eat, five things you don't like about yourself, five places you have lived, five books you have read recently.

So, five things I like to eat:
1. melon
2. fried eggs
3. anything with garlic
4. sweets (forbidden, alas to diabetics like me)
5. well prepared steak

five things I don't like about me:
1. lazy
2. getting older, weaker in both muscle and head
3. self centered
4. dirty old man (well, I'm not sure I don't like it, but it makes young people nervous)
5. writing has stopped and can't start it again

five places I have lived:
1. Newark, New Jersey
2. St. Louis, Missouri
3. Kontum, Vietnam
4. Paris, France
5. Little Rock, Arkansas

five places I really like:
1. London, England
2. Vienna, Austria
3. St. Malo, France
4. Chicago, Illinois
5. Most of the American west

five books I have read:
1. "The Cadillac Desert"
2. "The Great Influenza"
3. "Riviera to the Rhine"
4. "One Good Knight"
5. "The Annotated Hobbit"

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