Are animals, cats, dogs, horses, in fact anything that has fur and moves.
This is a short post so the typing noise won't wake my wife. But I am adding pictures pictures of my favorite cats.
Most of the animals I like are predators (though horses, donkeys and camels certainly are not). I like the way their heads work and how some of them are "hard wired" for social groups and others survive best alone. There is a good feeling of trust that develops when I work and play with creatures who can hurt me if I get out of line. My courtesy improves.
Another thing, tigers are so full of energy. Sometimes it seems as if I can get an "energy recharge" just by touching them and hugging them.
Oh Steve, I love the pictures of Little Kitty and Romeo!!
If you want a re-do of the Romeo pic with his eyes fixed (the "demon shine" taken out), PM me on the Forum with your e-mail addy and I'll send one.
Dear Steve,
I love the pictures of your cats too! [s]
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