It's been quite a while since I visited myself here.
At the beginning of May, I was found to have a perforated bowel. The surgeon began cutting about two hours after I was diagnosed. Since then, I've either been in hospital or too tired to write. As the recovery progresses, my energy comes back and I find more energy... and more things to say.
Belly surgery such as I had takes more out of a person than just the energy to do things. It cuts into dignity and privacy. I have a temporary colostomy. For the next three months or so, I'll be pooping out a new hole in my stomach. That involves more than a quick wipe with toilet paper. I have to empty the bag, clean it up and deodorize it before I can finish. It also requires a new position at the "throne of the porcelain God." Instead of sitting, I kneel, appropriate for a worshipper.
Changing the bag is done a couple of times a week. It involves removing the old bag and seals with a special adhesive remover, cleaning the area of my belly thoroughly and, sometimes, shaving it so the next removal will go more painlessly. In the mean time, I pass gas through every orifice connected to the gastrointestinal tract. One time, I felt like I was urinating a soda that someone had shaken up. Odd, but not unpleasant.
I thought that spending most of my time in bed would offer the relaxation to think and ponder. Not so. I've been sleeping and concentrating on just what I have to learn to do in order to stay clean and healthy.
My memory must be going bad. I do not recall this much trouble after I was wounded 40 years ago.
The garden is doing well this spring and yesterday, the first day I was allowed out, I took a bunch of pictures of the flowers that were blooming. While I was doing that, my wife and daughter were planting dozens more. I hope that I'll be able to walk to the place they were planted before they quit blooming.
Some of my friends have sent cards or flowers. Some have not. Of course, I did not publish a press release to announce that surgeons were rearranging my waste disposal system, so some have not gotten the word. 'Twill be interesting to see who, if anyone says something when I am finally permitted to travel.
Denvention (the world science fiction convention) is scheduled for this August. I'm particularly anxious to attend this year since many of my European friends only come near that one time.
If you have never attended an SF con, this would be a great one to begin. While it will be quite large, there will be many of the writers and artists that are widely admired coming there. There are terrific bid parties at "Worldcons". Various cities promote themselves as sites for future conventions. SF fans are a friendly lot. It's easy to get involved in the various panels that range from design and use of ancient weapons to current plans for the exploration of our universe.
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