Tuesday, October 2, 2007

2 OCT 07

Little Rock, where I live, has its share of bad drivers.
We have the cell phone user who S_L_O_W_L_Y moves away from a traffic light, then weaves all over the road. What the heck? He pays taxes. It is, after all, His road.
Then we have the amazing 'blue hair'. This is usually a woman, but not always. She drags along the Interstate at about 25 miles per hour slower than the speed limit. When she hits the city streets, she gooses what she's driving and sort of averages it all out.
But the thing that annoyed me more than most of the others was the driver who would wait and wait after the light was green. Usually, this left time for two cars, three at the most, to get through the light. Last night, I realized that this was a survival tool. Our local drivers usually ignore or don't see traffic signs and signals. That means that moving smartly away from a stop when the light is green could get you broadsided by someone who didn't see or ignored the red light.
My patience just got a shot in the arm. I'm back to where I was when I left the Army. Now I can wait with equanimity while the drivers ahead of me check for oncoming juggernauts. I even look for lines to wait in.

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