Monday, October 8, 2007


Every morning I can remember, there has been a tune running through my head. It's not the same tune every morning (how boring). The song is usually prompted by something I hear that morning or heard the night before.
While it's there, playing in my mind, I can sing the words if I know them, or whistle it through most of the day. It varies, as I said. Some mornings, there will be a theme from a classical piece, others a bit of country-western, rock and roll, or Latin music.
I love all these metiers. The happy, peppy Samba, the brooding, romantic tango, the wailing country-western, all of these get me singing. My first musical passion was classical. The enormous, creative variations on simple themes kept me engaged through the piece. Something as rich as Rachmoninoff's Variations on a Theme by Pagininni, I can play over and over, hearing something new each time I listen.
The tune will determing my mood for the day. Of course, I can change moods as the situation warrants, but I usually go back to where I started in the morning. My mind is a self choosing jukebox.
Ah, some of my younger readers might not know what a jukebox is. Ask your parents or grandparents.

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